Dr Alison Cody - In memoriam

We are very sad to announce the death of Alison Cody, who passed away on 13 May 2020, at Sobell House, Oxford. Ali was a long-standing member of the Maiden Laboratory who joined the group in 2004, having completed her DPhil at the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Oxford. A highly valued member of the group, Medawar community, and Department, over her time with us Ali established a substantial international reputation in Campylobacter research, especially the genomics of antimicrobial resistance. She established the core genome MLST scheme for Campylobacter and leaves a substantial body of work attributing sources of human disease.
In addition, she contributed to many other aspects of the Department’s work including undergraduate teaching, supervision of graduate and undergraduate projects, and mentoring visitors and colleagues from around the world. Characteristically, despite her illness, she was still working with us up to a few weeks before her death and leaves a legacy of important research work. She shall be very much missed.
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