Meningitis Awareness day in schools in Côte D'Ivoire
"Together let's say no to Meningitis" is the theme around which Dr. Kanny Diallo and her team have conducted awareness activities in Côte d’Ivoire, at two schools: Ouezzin Coulibaly 2 of Korhogo and Niangon Adjamé 3 of Abidjan since the month of February. Students from primary school (Year 3 to Year 6) were educated on meningitis through a theatrical video produced in collaboration with a locale theater company.
During the discussions that followed, Dr. Diallo addressed questions related to symptoms, modes of transmission and management of a case of meningitis. This meeting was also an opportunity to talk about the One Health concept. This transdisciplinary approach involving collaborations from different sectors, human, animal and environmental health, allows health issues to be tackled in a more sustainable fashion.
This awareness activity is part of the school-based research activities on oropharyngeal microbiome conducted by a team of researchers led by Dr. Diallo Kanny from the Centre Suisse de Recherche Scientifique in Côte d'Ivoire (CSRS) , the MOMIB project, in collaboration with the Afrique One -ASPIRE consortium.

Les enfants entrain de regarder la vidéo à Korhogo

Les enfants pendant la session de
Question/Réponse à Korhogo

Les enfants à la fin de l'activité à Abidjan