News Research activity New research aims to revolutionise meningitis control through advancing access to whole genome sequencing Health: a study shows that seasonal variations can increase the presence of bacteria responsible for meningitis in humans LEARN MORE Image Interview: “Climate change is influencing the evolution of meningitis in West Africa”. LEARN MORE Image 13th Meningitis Research Foundation (MRF) Conference 2021 LEARN MORE Image Invitation to training on molecular epidemiology for vaccination policy LEARN MORE Image Terms of reference and register link of Training in Molecular Epidemiology for Vaccination Policy (MEVacP) LEARN MORE Image summary of training in Molecular Epidemiology for vaccination Policy LEARN MORE Image Video summary of the training in molecular epidemiology LEARN MORE Image Video demonstration of DNA extraction by Dr. Kanny Diallo LEARN MORE
New research aims to revolutionise meningitis control through advancing access to whole genome sequencing
Health: a study shows that seasonal variations can increase the presence of bacteria responsible for meningitis in humans LEARN MORE
Image Interview: “Climate change is influencing the evolution of meningitis in West Africa”. LEARN MORE
Image Terms of reference and register link of Training in Molecular Epidemiology for Vaccination Policy (MEVacP) LEARN MORE